Image and Video Analytics

Extract relevant information from

videos and images with our cutting-edge analytics

Advanced image and video analytics for field use are plagued by false positives, data drift, poor processing and other issues that need humans in the loop to review and update AI and computer vision.

Hightech BPO International Private Limited International Private Limited makes the difference with machine learning technology to build custom solutions for image processing and object recognition, image recognition, image classification and tagging, mapping and geospatial analysis, motion detection, video summarization, and other processes and techniques. Our AI-enabled image processing and computer vision solutions can serve you with deep visual insights in any industry sector.

From recognizing camera tampering, facial recognition, monitoring the elderly at home, detecting anomalies at manufacturing units, baggage screening at the airport, real-time alerts on traffic, to gauging customer sentiment at retail stores, our analytic solutions drive value across industries. Leverage our experience with image processing applications for accurate analytics and visual search.