Data Cleansing

Robust data cleansing services for enriched & standardized data

As one of the best data cleansing companies, our customized and scalable data cleansing services ensure the accuracy of your email lists, CRM database, and B2B database through constant validation and enrichment.

Our data cleansing solutions effectively use automation, tools, and technologies to clean up large pools of chaotic datasets collected from disparate sources. Outsource data cleansing to us and we will de-duplicate data, normalize irregularities, add missing values, delete erroneous values, remove outliers etc. to prepare ML ready data to train complex algorithms and analytics.

As part of our data quality management process, we use structured workflow and multiple quality checks for consist delivery of clean, structured, and classified data to artificial intelligence (AI) companies and Machine learning (ML) startups. A free trial or a pilot followed with handsome discount on bulk data cleansing projects is what we offer in selected projects.


Data Cleansing Techniques

1. Data Verification/Validation

Data validation, the key step in our data cleansing process, removes inaccuracies before using it to strategize master database management of your company. Our data validation services are a series of cross checks like web research, data scrubbing, and data verification from across sources.

As a leading data verification company, we use manual, semi-automated and automated processes, and methodologies to validate your B2B database, Salesforce, ERP, CRM, and other business related critical-information databases. We verify or validate data against internal as well as external data sources and update outdated or missing values precisely as part of our data hygiene services.

2. Data Enrichment & Enhancement

As one of the leading data enrichment companies, we enhance the quality of your data by adding information that is complete, correct, and current. Our data enhancement experts add demographic, financial, geographic values drawn from online or third-party data sources to enrich your customer, Sales, CRM and marketing database.

Our data enrichment services significantly increase your organizational competencies and make your data ready to be used to formulate marketing, sales, and customer service strategies. As part of our data appending services, we maintain your business-critical database and keep it up to date by removing duplicates, standardizing address data etc.

3. Data Deduplication

Duplicate data in your database increases the cost of data storage and creates noise – negatively impacting effective decision making and analysis. Our data deduplication service is a combination of data merging, data matching, data comparison, and data purging activities; for duplicate record removal from all types of file formats and databases – digital, online, and offline.

We dedupe redundant data, improve data quality and make it clean and lean. Our data deduplication experts identify and remove duplicate blocks within datasets of any size and complexity by using a combination of manual techniques, rules, scripts and bots.

4. Data Standardization

Data standardization involves bringing together data acquired from different formats into a common database to make it structured and consistent. Standardized data aids easy tracking and collaborative research. A rather cumbersome and time-consuming task, if addressed at your end, our data cleansing experts ease your pain and give you data that is smooth and easy to operate.

Our data standardization services are customized and adheres to formats dictated by your business need.